Leadership Style


We practice a listening-centric approach that emphasizes positive communication between our team and those we work with. We seek for our team to be autonomous, open minded, socially responsible, and self-sufficient people. We also aim to demonstrate our target culture and technical skills to the best of our ability in pursuit of mutual empathy and respect.

Our goal is to set reasonable expectations, encouraging our team to act independently within those boundaries. If expectations fall short, we seek areas to give support and encouragement for future efforts.

We do our best to ensure that offenses are met with reasonable and enforceable consequences. For example, we may seek to turn harmful actions into valuable lessons by taking the time to explain the offense and the consequences in a constructive way. We avoid punishments based on guilt, shame, and embarrassment. We prefer to uphold accountability, aiming to be warm, expressive, and nurturing. We are just as capable of harm as anybody else, and we are open to feedback during constructive conversations.

We hope to create independence within expectations, emphasizing the need for personal space and downtime for our team. We outline responsibilities and goals, and support flexibility in all other areas. We hope team members will feel safe and will have no difficulties expressing themselves creatively through arts, hobbies and activities.

We make effort to ensure our team knows what is expected of them. We encourage our team to ask questions and give opinions in company matters, from developing a daily schedule, to establishing reasonable rules. Rules provide support, however they are not resolute. We encourage respectful questioning and understanding as to why we work the way we work.

Our leadership style requires more responsibility and participation compared to others, so we prioritize maintaining our energy reserves though self-care. We believe self care is the foundation to have enough to care for others.

We seek to help our team develop self-confidence, competent social skills, adaptability, a greater sense of control in life, ultimately being happier & better prepared to face life’s challenges.